
About Cultura Louisville

My paternal grandparents immigrated to the United States from Taumalipas, MX. in 1962. Growing up, my parents made it a firm point to be proud of both my Mexican heritage, as well as my firm American roots.

I am very proud to be a second generation Mexican-American. As my grandparents & parents did before me, I continue to raise my children to be proud of our heritage and culture!

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois., I grew up with a plethora of different cultures. I loved the exposure, and continue to seek new foods and experiences for myself and my family. I love documenting all of the new things we learn. 

I began blogging in 2006, mainly about my experience moving from Chicago to Louisville, Kentucky. 9 years, 2 kids, 3 blogs, & hundreds of wine bottles later, I'm finally a bit more settled down. I now write about things I'm passionate about -specifically Beauty, Style, Food, y Cultura.

When I'm not busy writing, or tending to my husband & 2 children, I can be found testing out new products over on my Beauty Blog, trying new ethnic foods (sometimes heirloom Mexican recipes passed down from my grandmother or mom, all recipes will be found here), or frequenting new Ethnic spots! I enjoy going out and experiencing new things, I love being able to share that.

If you have any questions, or are a business and have an inquiry, feel free to Contact Me

As Featured in the Courier-Journal
My full disclosure page can be found here.

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